Windsor, Colorado
In anticipation of population growth and expedited development, the Town of Windsor had been planning to install a 24-inch water transmission line since the early 2000s. The Town selected Lamp Rynearson in 2017 to complete the survey and design, and produce construction plans.
The water line alignment was approximately 1.9 miles and the corridor was mostly farmland with agricultural uses. It included crossing three City of Greeley waterlines, multiple existing and proposed oil and gas gathering lines, overhead and proposed underground electric utility lines, dry utilities, two irrigation ditches and ponds. A Nationwide Permit was needed for wetlands disturbance. Coordination with farmers was critical within the corridor, with important construction timelines needing to be met for ditch crossings and field irrigation. Adjustments to the alignment were need to avoid two irrigation ponds.
Our survey team provided design survey, and easement descriptions and exhibits. Survey tasks included coordinating with private utility locators and the title company, title research, and writing easement descriptions with exhibits.