Call it fate. Bright-eyed and freshly graduated from Missouri State University, Bryan Kratky scoured the Omaha World Herald classifieds the day after commencement for a CAD technician opening to put his newly learned skills to work! With a little help from a temp agency, Bryan’s journey at Lamp Rynearson began with a job offer that same week. Twenty-five years later, Bryan is still bright-eyed, but no longer a CAD technician. He has joined the ranks and become one of “the brilliant hard-working people” that attracted him to Lamp Rynearson in the first place. The time has been filled with high-profile projects, working as a team moving in unison that refused to let any problems derail timelines. Although he is a Senior Construction Engineer now, Bryan’s favorite experience continues to be the late nights in the 1990’s and early 2000’s that he worked as part of the Design Department. We’re sure there are stories to be shared around those memories! Thank you for your incredible 25 years of service, Bryan! Congratulation on your silver anniversary at Lamp Rynearson!