Lake Lotawana, Missouri
The City of Lake Lotawana’s Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 1 was in dire need of repair before the completion of this project. Despite being less than twenty years old, the original plant had reached the end of its useful life. It could not operate at its design flow and was labor-intensive due to failing systems and corroded walls.
In 2016, Lamp Rynearson was hired to conduct a short-term study to identify repairs needed to keep the wastewater treatment plant operational for two to five years. Following this, a comprehensive Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Plan, which analyzed multiple long-term options, was completed in October 2018. The City Board of Alderman approved long-term improvements to the facility, which led to a design project with a budget of $4.15M. The improvements included:
- New screen structure/influent pump station
- New anaerobic basin
- Modifications to the existing anoxic and aerobic basins
- New clarifiers
- New UV disinfection system
- Cascade aeration and related improvements
The project was designed to maximize the use of existing structures. Four of the existing basins were repurposed to provide enhanced treatment. New concrete walls were placed within the existing basins to provide longevity. The original configuration included anoxic basins within the anaerobic basins. A new anaerobic basin was constructed, and the two existing anaerobic/ anoxic basins were repurposed into dedicated anoxic basins. Originally, the clarifiers were installed within the aeration basins. The equipment was stripped from the interior of the aeration/clarifier basins. New fine bubble diffused air systems were installed in those basins to convert them to strictly aeration basins. The two existing blowers were relocated, and a third blower was installed. Two larger, separate clarifiers were constructed.
The project included plans for a 50% future capacity increase. Necessary future connections were provided, the headworks were sized for the future flow, and a spare channel was constructed in the UV disinfection facility. All current and future construction will occur within the existing facility boundaries.