Lake Lotawana, Missouri
Lamp Rynearson has been providing on-call engineering services to the City of Lake Lotawana, Missouri since 2015. Much of this work consists of development review and street assessment, studies, and repair. Engineering services have also included the wastewater collection system and treatment plant.
A short-term study of repairs needed to keep the wastewater collection system and treatment plant operational for a two to five-year period was completed in July 2016. This was followed by completion of a wastewater treatment plant Facility Plan, which analyzed multiple long-term options, in October 2018. The City Board of Alderman approved long term improvements to the facility, which led to a design project with a budget of $4.15M with construction completed in 2021. The improvements include a new screen structure/influent pump station, modifications to the existing anoxic and aerobic basins, new clarifier, a new UV disinfection system, and improvements to access road.
Our wastewater engineers look for cost effective and creative solutions. For this project, the metal basin, as pictured, has the center clarifier removed, and the exterior metal used as forms for a concrete activated sludge basin. Similarly, the upstream basins were refurbished as anoxic basins.