Nancy Pridal, Lamp Rynearson President & CEO hosts our premier edition of Legacy Listening! As an advocate for building resiliency and value in our communities, she is passionate about deepening our impact around these conversations. Through our podcast, we’ll learn from unique and dynamic voices across the communities we serve. Staying in the know about our ever-changing communities and how we can all leave a legacy, strengthens our ability to deliver visions of a better tomorrow.
Our guest is Shawntal Mallory, ESQ. Shawntal joined the Lamp Rynearson Board of Directors as its newest member in 2021. She is the Executive Director for the Nebraska Legal Diversity Council and a Race and Law course adjunct professor at her alma mater, Creighton University School of Law.
Driven to make a difference, Shawntal has practiced law for the past 15 years and brings her background of agility coaching, training, human resources, organizational culture, diversity, equity, and inclusion to the board member role.