Congratulations to Senior Accountant April Will for one year of service at Lamp Rynearson!
With a rich history of working in construction, Lamp Rynearson was an excellent opportunity for April to stay in the AEC industry. The office in Omaha is a conveniently close commute for her. In addition, April recognized the busy season for the accounting team landing in the winter, which meant a much more relaxed agenda during the dog days of summer.
Among the many exciting projects April has appertained over the last year, those significantly fun and outstanding include the IRS Section 174, the US Census, updating compliances to adhere to new leasing standards, working on the Deltek Survey, and learning the warrant process for SID projects.
April looks forward to becoming Lamp Rynearson’s Controller starting in January. Her goal for this new position is to continuously look for ways to enhance the accounting department’s efficiency and upbeat dynamic. April recognized the welcoming and fun workplace atmosphere on her first day at Lamp Rynearson.
“I love how included you feel from the beginning of your time here. On my first day, there was a Christmas party thrown in the design group area, which I attended. It felt like they threw the party just for me.”
April is actively pursuing her Master’s Degree in Accounting, which primarily consumes her free time. Once her degree is complete, she looks forward to reading books that are not educational, painting by numbers, and playing with her grandson.
Thank you for all of your dedication, April!