Stormwater Management
Lamp Rynearson has over 60 years of experience with helping cities design durable, innovative, and environmentally friendly stormwater management projects. These projects have included enclosed storm sewer design, concrete-lined open channels, box culvert design, bio-engineered open channels, rain gardens and implementation of other stormwater best management practices.
Our team is prepared to provide drainage impact studies, flood studies and floodplain map changes/revisions for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We are dedicated to elevating your community and keeping you in compliance!
How We Help Your Community.
Clients turn to us when they want to alleviate structure flooding during significant storm events and increase system conveyance capacity, as we understand the complexities of replacing or adding new infrastructure in developed areas. Creative and innovative solutions are implemented to deliver sound long-term improvements for our client’s communities.
Throughout the Midwest, municipalities know we can deliver stormwater projects with excellence. Our full range of services will support your community by providing green, affordable solutions that keep you in compliance.
Our experts have designed enclosed system, lined-channels, bio-engineered channels, rain gardens, bio-swales, extended detention basins, bio-retention basins, and stream restoration projects. Retrofit stormwater drainage projects have been designed for a variety of municipalities throughout Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska.
Lamp Rynearson understands FEMA floodplain evaluation and guidance, and HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS modeling. We have performed studies that were used to develop revised floodplain maps, and have completed Letter of Map Revision, Conditional Letter of Map Revision, and Letter of Map Amendment submittals for several clients. Our experience includes dam breach analysis using unsteady flow modeling techniques and development of Dam Break Emergency Action Plans.
We apply our years of experience to drainage problem evaluation and prioritization. Lamp Rynearson has a history of helping municipalities in the development of stormwater master plans and Capital Improvement Plans.
Our goal is to evaluate each of our projects during design, construction, and inspection for possible applications of Green Infrastructure. Many of our projects have successful green infrastructure components incorporated, including demonstration projects for the City of Omaha at the Common Grounds Facility, the 50th and Pine Pervious Pavement Demonstration projects, and the Hell Creek Stream Stabilization project. Many of our new public and private site development projects are environmentally friendly.
Lamp Rynearson has a dedicated stormwater management compliance staff that is responsible for inspections of sites with an NPDES permit. Our staff has over 16 years of experience monitoring sites for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) compliance and developing documentation. Our field work includes reviewing the project’s Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP), monitoring sites for compliance, providing photo documentation, and developing field reports. Our team also completes field investigations in the preparation of SWPPP’s for industrial NPDES permits.
Our team has experience with FEMA National Flood Insurance Program compliance and support. We have assisted municipalities and private owners with floodplain fill permits on local, state and federal levels. Occasional communication with a NFIP Specialist occurs to help ensure we are complying with requirements.
Our team is dedicated to producing native planting plans for detention basins, bio- swales, bio-retention basins, extend wetlands, rain gardens and sediment basins. In many cases, these native planting designs can decrease cost, decrease the need for supplemental water, increase plant survivability, and function better with the local ecosystem.
Stream stability analysis and stream restoration projects are a staple of Lamp Rynearson. Our projects have involved structural solutions such as drops, sheet pile support and hard armoring. Techniques also include full natural stream restoration using channel geomorphology to design channel meandering, floodplain overflow banks, vegetated stream bank stabilization, j-hook and v-notch weirs and other elements. The Lamp Rynearson team has experience in stream modeling using HEC-RAS and other hydraulic models. We are proud to have worked on highly visible stream restoration projects adjacent to large shopping centers and throughout city parks.