Kansas City, Missouri
Lamp Rynearson was hired to evaluate field data provided by the WSD and smoke testing completed by our team to identify and quantify structural deficiencies, develop rehabilitation recommendations, and prepare construction contract documents to provide basin-wide neighborhood sewer rehabilitation on small sewer mains, associated manholes, and other structures. The project is associated with the Federal Consent Decree regarding Kansas City’s Overflow Control Plan and includes evaluation and rehabilitation recommendation of approximately 372,000 feet of CCTV inspection, 2,100 manholes, and line lamping data collected by the City for the project.
Lamp Rynearson teamed with TREKK Design, SE3, and DuBois Consultants, on this project. We are working on 80% design documents to rehabilitate approximately $20 million dollars of 12-inch and smaller sewer pipes, manholes, and service laterals in the Northeast-Gooseneck Creek basin. Lamp Rynearson and engineers from DuBois worked together during both the evaluation and construction document phases of the project.
TREKK and SE3 completed smoke and dyed water testing services on a total of approximately 406,500 linear feet of sewers within the area, identifying public and private sources of inflow and infiltration. Smoke testing, CCTV, and manhole inspections were used to complete the rehabilitation recommendation report and presentation for the preliminary design workshop.