Huerfano County, Colorado
As part of the Huerfano River Basin Regional Augmentation Plan, a reservoir was needed to store and release augmentation water. In 2016, Lamp Rynearson was commissioned to evaluate potential project sites and assist the client in evaluating each alternative. Sheep Mountain Ranch was selected as the preferred location for the water storage facility.
A 48 acre-foot reservoir located about 1,800 feet from the river was designed, as well as a water intake and release structure at the river. A diversion dam, intake structure, pump station, and an 8-inch pipeline were designed for filling the reservoir. For cost savings, the facility was designed to use the same pipeline for releases from the reservoir back to the river when augmentation of the river flow is needed.
A rock ramp to facilitate fish passage for trout and native darters was included in the river intake structure design to the satisfaction of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. US Army Corps of Engineer approval was obtained for the work planned at the river.
Lamp Rynearson is currently overseeing site preparations, which includes excavation. In the meantime, construction of the river intake and release facility and pipeline to the reservoir site is being completed. Once excavation is finished, we will oversee construction of the reservoir embankment and liner. The facility is expected to be ready for use in 2019.